cabernet sauvignon wine
cabernet sauvignon wine




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Les Belles Collines Les Sommets Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. Les Belles Collines. From $3,300 · Les Belles Collines Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon.

Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the world's most widely recognized red wine grape varieties. It is grown in nearly every major wine producing country among a ... Cabernet Franc · Sauvignon blanc · Merlot

Cabernet Sauvignon: Everything You Need To Know

Cabernet Sauvignon is the world's most popular red wine grape and is a natural cross between Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc.

葡萄品種: 卡本內蘇維翁Cabernet Sauvignon

也譯作卡本內蘇維濃、加本納、赤霞珠,與夏多內同為世界上最為廣泛栽培的葡萄品種。原產於法國波爾多。由法國西南部在17世紀無意中培育的。 儘管成熟期長,產量低,但作為 ...


Cabernet-Sauvignon is used to make powerful, sturdy wines with a highly interesting tannin structure and deep color, especially when harvested at peak ripeness.

Cabernet Sauvignon: A Comprehensive Overview - Wine

Cabernet Sauvignon is the world's most famous red wine grape. From its origins in Bordeaux, the variety has spread to every corner of the wine world. Most Expensive · Best · Best Value

Cabernet Sauvignon丨赤霞珠丨Wine Couple 醇酒伴侶

椒氣勃勃? · 一)是波爾多(Bordeaux)左岸主要葡萄 · 二)丹寧高,酒體厚,黑色水果味為主 · 三)釀出的酒可長期陳年 · 四)青椒味重


1. Cabernet Sauvignon 是混種葡萄. Cab 其實是Cabernet Franc 和Sauvignon Blanc 在15世紀時產生的混種!加州大學戴維斯(UC Davis)的教授 ...

卡本內蘇維濃Cabernet Sauvignon精選好酒商城



LesBellesCollinesLesSommetsNapaValleyCabernetSauvignon.LesBellesCollines.From$3,300·LesBellesCollinesNapaValleyCabernetSauvignon.,CabernetSauvignonisoneoftheworld'smostwidelyrecognizedredwinegrapevarieties.Itisgrowninnearlyeverymajorwineproducingcountryamonga ...CabernetFranc·Sauvignonblanc·Merlot,CabernetSauvignonistheworld'smostpopularredwinegrapeandisanaturalcrossbetweenCabernetFrancandSauv...